Thursday, August 12, 2010

Schools coming, But am I ready?

The school year begins here during the last week of August, which means we are now less than 1 week away from starting. We have the uniforms hung and ready for wear, we have the school supplies packed and awaiting their journey into my daughters new desk. I have my Tupperware containers labeled and my lunch menus primed to prepare. But are we ready? The start of school symbolizes the start of routine, the beginning of new friendships for my daughter and myself as I interact with families we meet. The beginning of what I always envisioned as my official start of being part of this Island community.

The summer was used to settle in and learn our environment. We saw and experienced many new and amazing things. I observed many things but have not committed to involvement as of yet. Now with the arrival of the school year, I look forward to a place for routine, involvement and accountability of my time, but it does not arrive without some fear.

What I fear most is the settling in to a routine which reflects only my desires and comfort level. A routine which does not pull me closer to why I am here but instead keeps me in the unchallenged and safe part of life. Coming to Nassau meant giving up a lot of what I knew and it was and is meant to challenge me to live differently, to live life making a difference and letting my life shout with or without words, you are loved.

So within this next week I gear up for why I am here, still mostly unknown with details but the purpose is clear and God's love remains my constant.

Shine On My Friends

1 comment:

  1. You are so blessed that you have so much to offer the world....who needs and/or wants you the most!! Just have fun figuring that out!!
