Monday, June 14, 2010


One of favourite Psalms is Psalm 51, it has been since I was a teen. I have often turned the words in to my own prayer and have made them a goal in my life to seek after. I find verse 12 powerful and it has remained close to my heart over the years

Restore to me the joy of your salvation
and grant me a willing spirit, to sustain me.

We all know this world brings with it many hardships and devastating situations, these cannot be avoided it is part of being in this world of ours. For years I prayed for these situations to end, or a resolution to be found. Sometimes the situations subsided and sometimes the situation continued. Had I not had this verse in my head I would have despaired the lack of answers or resolution. Psalm 51:12 was my ultimate prayer, that no matter what is going on the thing I needed to pray for was a restoration of joy. It is a joy that comes from knowing you are God's child. It is a joy of knowing that there is a purpose for you, even if it is not entirely clear. It is a joy of knowing that you count and are of value to God. The restoration of this joy is often needed because as we so easily loose sight of it in the face of unsettled or busy times. The restoration of the joy of salvation is not necessarily a resolution of our problems, no they might continue, but the restoration takes place in our hearts and minds where we are reminded that no matter what, we are God's.

Just last night I was reminded by a dear friend of that restoration, as she observed that I was "shining" with joy since the move to Nassau. I am so aware that this joy is only from God, and that once again He is faithfully answering my prayer of restoration by bringing me closer to Him. I do have an overwhelming feeling of contentment since our transition. It will still continue to be difficult as we continue to dearly miss our friends and families back home, and as I struggle to figure out just what it is that I am to be doing here. But for now and I hope all my days, I will boldly state the Lord is my joy and my strength and I will continue to seek daily restoration to His presence.

Shine on my Friends

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