Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Happy Blogaversary!!!!

Happy Blogaversary!!!

It is my Blogaversary.
Uprooted to Paradise is One year old today.

A year ago my heart was breaking at the prospect of leaving what I had grown to love. I remember shutting the door and sliding down it in tears unable to walk further after saying goodbye to my dearest friend. I remember crying in my parents arms as we faced our final goodbye in Canada. I remember preparing my clients for another therapist all the while I desperately wanted to stay and continue supporting their journey. I remember a beautiful song, written by an amazing friend and artist sung to our small group as we met for the last time.

Most of my memories of a year ago are tear stained still tinged with a heavy heart. Most of my memories are about the goodbyes that were being made as I prepared for my enormous transition from Canada to Bahamas. I can happily say those goodbyes were not final, I have reconnected with most I was forced to leave and now looking back, those relationships were strengthened by my move. I know now what it is like to cherish in one's heart a person that has so greatly influenced my life.

I started my blog as a way to creatively deal with the thoughts in my head. I am not a great one to always speak my mind, it takes a good deal of work to get out my own thoughts. The blog has made it easier for me to let you in. After a year of blogging, I am hooked and love this tool, it is cathartic for me and as I am finding out, somehow, God is using this to encourage others! I have gained the benefit from the many comments people give me and I want to say a sincere thank you for those who contribute on line or in person, your thoughts mean a great deal to me.

This blog has challenged me to see my world the way God wants me to and not get stuck in my cynical selfish Allie mind. This blog has challenged me to shine even when I think there is nothing shiny about me. This blog has been my therapist, my confident and my biggest supporter. It has also been my nemesis forcing me to be honest and open about my life.
This blog has changed me.

A year has changed a great deal. Where the chaos of packing took months, I now find space in my home to relax. Where there were many sessions ending with amazing clients, I find myself beginning journeys with new ones. I no longer pester God with "Why" questions. Instead, I am living my purpose, to be God's light in this tough world and to let others know they are loved.

My signature sign off, "Shine on my friends" was created with a two fold message. It is simple, know you are loved and know you are created to shine for the One who loves you. So my friends on the day of my first blogaversary I want to say thank you for being such a great blog community. Thank you for shining so brightly as you walked with me on my journey, all for the glory of God.

Shine on my friends, you are beautiful and thank you for being such a big part of my blog!


  1. Thank you for sharing your journey with us over the last year. You are a true inspiration and you certainly make me think and reflect on how Im living and how I shine. Keep on sharing!!

  2. Hi Allie
    I can't believe it's been a year already!
    We have watched you shine like crazy since you left!
    As I sit here watching it snow like mad, I can't help but feel a little jealous, although the heat in the summer would have me wishing for snow.
    Happy Anniversary! You deserve it! (Bryn and Anya too!)

  3. thanks Anonymous!!! your comments are so kind!

  4. Thank you for sharing your journey with us all!! You make us all better people just by reading your words!!! I have enjoyed them and look forward to many more and learning to be a better person from you!!!!
    Love you.....
